Thursday, April 21, 2011

On my own

What a rare day today turned out to be for me. I had an appointment at a specialist in Regina today. Ryan was starting his weekend off and we had planned to all head in for the day but after a long, tiring, stressful night with the kids my wonderful huddy suggested I head in by myself. At first I was reluctant to agree as it would also be nice to see him and my kiddos after being at work all week but then something came over me and I decided to venture out on my own. Something I had NEVER done before. If it wasn't a kid in tow I have always had someone else with me. Whether it be Ryan, or my mom, or a girlfriend.... today I was on my own schedule.

As I was rushing out the door I ran back in to get my camera. You never know when you might regret not having it with you. In the end I am soooo glad I did! I often find myself driving somewhere and thinking "Oooo, that would be a neat picture." "But there is no time to stop we have to get <Somewhere>". Well today I took the time to stop and take a few photos.

 An old building near Creelman that I stopped at.
Can't believe the water around these pumpjacks near Forget.


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