Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes!!!

It is so funny to look back at pictures and see how much the boys can change in a few short months! I always take pictures of the boys on their first day of school but this year I also took one one the last day to compare!

 Love it!

End of Another School Year

Another school year has come to an end. I did up little gifts for both classes again this year. Graidan's was pretty simply just a ball with a tag that says "I hope you have a BALL this summer!"

Hudson's class got some Krazy Straw cups with Kool Aid attached and a tag that says "Have a KRAZY KOOL summer"

Have a great summer everyone!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kindergrad 2012

You make us so very proud in all that you do Hudson! Can't wait to see what you will grow up to be, although, I am fine with slowing the process of growing up :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

As we were celebrating a day meant to celebrate Dads, the man of our house was at work :( The boys and I still got out for a round of golf with Grandpa O'Neill and were able to have dad home for supper tonight. Happy Father's Day to one of the best dad's I know! We are so very lucky to have you Ryan! Love you!

Below is the special gifts that Graidan made at school.


And below is Hudson's work of art!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Soccer Windup

Moose Mountain Soccer comes to a close for the season. This was Graidan's first year playing and he loved every minute of it. Natalie and all the other coaches did a fantastic job with the kids and deserve a huge thank-you!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Father's Day Phot Shoot

 I decided to do something a little different for Father's Day this year. Ryan and I just do-not-need anything so instead of buying him a present he will not use, I set up a photo shoot with the boys. It took Hudson a little while to warm up to the camera and loosen up and be silly but Graidan is a card and got into character immediately.

Friday, June 8, 2012

All About Me

Hudson has a homework project to complete for school and it will be discplayed at his Kinder Grad at the end of this month. We got to work on it finding items, pictures and toys that describe him.

Hard at work!

LOVE the 'inquisitive' that he used to describe himself. We are constantly telling him he asks alot of questions and that he is very inquisitive. As he was doing up his project her quietly asked me " Mom. How do I spell that word that means I ask alot of questions?". Made me smile :)


The boys and I made Nutella Pops today (as we have now coined them). Basically, you take 1/3 C Nutella and 1 C milk, I put mine in my Magic Bullet to mix up and pour into popsicle cups. They are so good and so easy.

Will surely be a summer staple in our lives over the next couple of months.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Learn to Play Baseball

Ball season has arrived! Hudson was the only one eligible to play this year as Graidan was still too young. It is nice for them to have their own activities sometimes too.